Best 3 monitor setup

19 Oct 2002
I've been using 3 monitors for about 3 years now. Current setup is:

Left: 24" LG monitor 1080p
Middle: 32" Acer Predator XB321HK 2160p (I use 125% scaling on the desktop)
Right: 24" LG monitor 1080p

I have 3 duronic arms that they are mounted on and the side monitors are angled in a bit.

I find that I tend to use the left monitor for Slack and the middle/right for working. I'm wondering if it would make sense to switch to having 2x 27/29" monitors for the middle/right and a smaller one on the left. I'm conscious of making the setup too wide as that could be inviting neck pain.

Another option could be to rotate the left monitor, and perhaps have 2x ~30" monitors. I find 32" is useable but maybe a tiny bit too big.

Any suggestions for what to shoot for here?
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