Best 5 local co-op PC games?

31 Dec 2005
Nephew is visiting tmw and thought i would introduce him to PC gaming. He is used to stuff like Gears Of War and Call of Duty as he has a x360. So we have played that kinda stuff on the 360 but i thought here's my chance to convert him to the PC master race.

Which games do you recommend for co-op/2 player for the PC ? And are maybe available for download now? :D
We have 2 xbox 360 pads.

I thought maybe left for dead 2? does that do co-op from the same system?
I'd give him a tour de force of what the PC is capable of surfer, could do a graphics run

Crysis 3

Arma 3 for its scale and realism

Project cars for its awesomeness and things like trine

Maybe then switch it up and show him games that have big communities, dota 2, Lol, wow etc

Then finish of with a combo of modded games aka skyrim.

I have Trine so i will have a shot of that. Broforce looks fun so might get that.

Have plenty of other games on the pc to wow him with hopefully.

Mad Max
Dark Souls
Shadow of Mordor
Witcher 2

and then i'll bring out the big guns.. the Oculus Rift DK2 :)
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