Best app for this project?

7 May 2007
For the presentation of my coursework at college i've decided I want to present it digitally. I want to create a sort of digital log book of what i've done - with a main menu, buttons that link to certain parts of the project etc. An example of the main page is below;

The four buttons are each chunk of the project, which when clicked on would lead to a new sub menu with each indivual relative part.
I'll be designing it in photoshop first- it's the buttons and stuff linking the pages together etc that I need the app for. I want loads of flexibility with layout, and overall an app that's easy to use. Got any suggestions on what I can use to achieve this?
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Hah, i'm a total flash noob, how quickly can I pick this stuff up? Also, will there be much actionscripting involved?

I'm not sure tbh. I've never done an entire project in flash as I just don't like flash websites.. but it would be perfect for your project. I don't think it should be that difficult if you follow some tutorials.
For the presentation of my coursework at college i've decided I want to present it digitally. I want to create a sort of digital log book of what i've done - with a main menu, buttons that link to certain parts of the project etc. An example of the main page is below;

The four buttons are each chunk of the project, which when clicked on would lead to a new sub menu with each indivual relative part.
I'll be designing it in photoshop first- it's the buttons and stuff linking the pages together etc that I need the app for. I want loads of flexibility with layout, and overall an app that's easy to use. Got any suggestions on what I can use to achieve this?

how are you going to be presenting this - web or cd?
you have several options really... flash, director or (cant believe I'm going to say this) powerpoint (cant stand the program, but its easy to use if you dont have experience with the other 2)

altho in flash there are already templates for presentations that have actions on the buttons to navigate backwards and forwards.

or you can just place an invisible buttons over the top of your buttons and then just use.

on (press)
gotoAndStop(whatever frame or scene you want);
Flash mate - no action script needed, VERY easy to import jpeg images - use different layers, like the background, then individual buttons, and by following the hour tutorial in the program, you'll get a fantastic looking presentation very quickly
I don't have it on my work computer, but go to the Help menu at the top, then tutorials

Very easy to create a flash document
THen input the background
THen input the buttons

Then do a tutorial about simple animations, if you wanted to implement it

then it's easy enough to put in a new slide (page 2)
Ait cheers for the info- quick Q, if I wanted to create it a regular flash document, each page would effectively be a seperate key frame correct?
It seems to only want to play out as a movie :/, how do I make it, so that it stays on that frame i.e page, and doesn't change until I tell it to go to another frame or whatever.
should work fine..

i think :(

Err i'm talking about the first front page of the entire thing- like when you open the file this things comes up and it just loops between the two frames(pages) that I have created. Also- I have no idea where to put that text:P

Edit- sorted it, cheers guys:)
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Ok, so i've made my button, except now when I attach the command gotoframe(2) or nextframe(2) , it produces an error when I test the scene! Anyone know what's going on?

Heres the error
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=button, frame=1:Line 1: Wrong number of parameters; nextFrame requires exactly 0.

Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1
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