Best bangers in the morning?

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
First things first: potential for innuendo in this thread is way off the scale. I encourage it as much as possible.

I like a bit of greasy sausage on a Saturday morning, I'm just that sort of a guy. Trouble is, the only bangers I can get are in the supermarket because there's no butcher locally. So I'm looking for a nice supermarket sausage to go in my fry-up at the weekend. Any recommendations?

I've gone through Sainsburys dire selection with the following results:

Basics range: lets not go there.

Richmond: these are just disgusting. So fatty and the contents are just pink paste that doesn't change colour when you cook it.

British Pork (standard) range: a bit too fatty and a bit too much like gristle etc ground-up into a fine paste.

Butcher's Choice: as per above but slightly coarser texture and still too fatty.

Taste The Difference (?): Way too dry. The meat content is too high for a fry-up and they dry out no matter what way you cook them. Great in a casserole though.

Black Farmer: these are ok but share the exact same packaging as the TTD range, so they make me suspicious. They're also quite processed in appearance.

Debbie & Andrew's Harrogate: can't remember what these were like but I think they were nearly the same as the Black Farmer ones.

Riverway Foods Cumberland Sausages: these were pretty grim. Complete opposite end of the scale to the TTD range; loaded with rusk and fat which induced nausea after eating.

Walls range: don't remember trying them recently, but I didn't like them much when I was a student.

I think I'm looking for that compromise middle-ground where the sausage has a decent amount of fat and rusk in it to hold some flavour, a good bit of texture and nice and fat.
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