Best bass headphones for £100?

Uh well for 100 quid budget,

Look into the ultrasone hfi 580, they are good with techno/electronic music.

I have owned over 15 headphones so, my recommendation is the hfi 580 for you to consider.

Since no one yet has recommend you a pair of headphones for bass at 100 quid.


Had a quick look at it seems not many web stores have the hfi 580 in stock.

sorry but i am rusty just found out the hfi 580 is discontinued with link below.

What exactly does your friend mean by 'best bass'? I ask because it's often not a nuanced or defined sound with most, they just want the boom-boom-boom. That said, closed back solutions are generally going to offer a heavier bass over open back, and of course the environment he intends to use them in will come into play even should he be open to open back and potentially more detailed audio.

Audio-Technica ATH-M50 can be had for around £90 and they're celebrated as being bass heavy, not my cup of tea but would probably fit the bill for your friends needs. Regardless of what your friend ends up buying I'd recommend auditioning when possible, but if not buying from a place with a good returns policy, as the way headphones sound can be very marmite at times.
Have you got a set sorted yet OP?

Agree with the Audio Technica M50. For electronic these are fun. They can be physically warm, but the pads can be changed i remember reading as wanted to do mine. The bass is quick, deep and impactful. You can artificially increase the amount of bass through whatever settings the source has too.
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