Best budget mechanical keyboard?

22 Jun 2012
I want to use it for FPS gaming such as CS:GO as well as general usage. I do not want one that makes loud noises and I would like a numpad, the only functions I use on my current keyboard are volume control and sleep button, although maybe this can be mapped to a function key if the keyboard does not have dedicated media buttons?

Price limit is £70. Please tell me which is the best.
Ok thanks for the replies....

So does a mechanical keyboard actually make any difference to gaming? Will it actually make me play any better than my dome keyboard? Because CS:GO uses a lot of strafing and stopping I was thinking it should help, but my friend says it makes no difference at all...

Also can the Steelseries 6Gv2 do volume control and sleep?
I am not quite the FPS player I used to be as I mainly play Starcraft 2 now. But one of the biggest differences I have found with my mech keyboard (red switches) is that I don't suffer from finger related fatigue anywhere near where I used to.

So for extended periods of gaming the mechanical keyboard is brilliant.
Ok thanks for the replies....

So does a mechanical keyboard actually make any difference to gaming? Will it actually make me play any better than my dome keyboard? Because CS:GO uses a lot of strafing and stopping I was thinking it should help, but my friend says it makes no difference at all...

Also can the Steelseries 6Gv2 do volume control and sleep?

Mechanical switches register a click before you bottom out the key, unlike a membrane keyboard, so in theory, you should be able to make a decision and it happen quicker, though we are talking milliseconds.

The 6gV2 does not do volume control though. Run it from the PS2 connector as well it is also faster than USB. Milliseconds again though. :D

You want to feel the weight of it as well. Looks like a normal keyboard until you pick it up and realise it is bomb proof.
Having a mechanical keyboard is like having a weapon to hand if an intruder broke into your house. The build quality is fantastic, there is no comparision to a membrane keyboard it is like comparing chalk and cheese.

I find it easier to type with too, the keys are responsive and I love the feel, I was very skepical at first that there would be much of a difference. I just retired my seven year old G15 for a Filco Majestouch 2 and it is a far superiour keyboard. Quality costs but you get what you pay for.
The 6GV2 does do volume control.

to add to this, steelseries have replaced the windows key with a steelseries engine key in its place , which is used to control the media keys.

managed to get one from a well known local electrical place for £60, thx to those for the advice :).
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