Best bundle to pair with 980ti or Fury X

31 Jan 2012
Hello and first sorry for making what is probably the thousandth thread asking a similar question.

I currently have a

MSI 980ti 6G
i7 2600
16gb ram

and am looking at what would be a great bundle as an upgrade and possible fix to some probs?

I'm not sure about buying now or if its worth waiting for the new Intel CPUs? I'd also like a mobo that could take both Nvidia and AMD GPUs that I could also possibly SLI'd/Xfire with in the future and I don't know where to start with RAM as its been so long since I last got some!

The problems I'm hoping to fix are I am having tons of "nvlddmkm.sys page_fault_in_nonpaged_area" BSOD problems with the 980ti around 2 a day in game mostly but sometimes even on desktop or when closing an application.
I had a Fury X that worked fine with absolutely no crashes etc but since exchanging it for the 980ti I've had a ton of these crashes, I've tried every fix and available driver I've found, checked RAM etc, even reinstalled Windows 7 but still no luck, hence why I'm considering going back to AMD. (which is a shame as when the games are running on this card they are awesome!)

I know it may seem an extreme 'fix' but I think I'm due an upgrade soon anyways so any tips on the best mobo, RAM and CPU I could get for around £5-600? Or is it worth waiting for Skylake?

Cheers guys
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Sorry to post this in here and bump the thread, not sure where Id start a new one about this though.

So I underclocked the memory on my card by about 20 MHz I thought Id already tried this but Afterburner hadnt actually saved my settings so, thought Id try it again last week and since then Ive not had any of the "nvlddmkm.sys page_fault_in_nonpaged_area" BSOD crashes since (touch wood)

Is that possible or have I made another change that has helped somewhere. Also could this mean the RAM on my card is faulty or is my mobo maybe not up to scratch? ( pretty sure its only pci e 2.0)
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