Best camera for Ebay and general use for around £400 or below?

14 Nov 2014
Hi everyone,

Basically I know absolutely nothing about cameras and want to get my mum one for Christmas (I know a bit early but the more time I have to look the better). She has a standard digital camera that takes decent pictures but complains about the colour accuracy and quality (It's fairly old now). She sells a lot of clothes on Ebay, hence the need for good colour accuracy, and uses a camera for everyday stuff like taking pictures of family and friends and when going on trips. I want to try and get her a camera that,

1. Takes very high quality photos
2. Has very accurate colours
3. Is around £400 max (I have no idea what kind of price a camera like this will cost so my guess is £400 seems like it should be plenty if not too much).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Tom :)
Having looked through the bay a number of 400D/450D/500D/550D/40D/50D + kit lenses + flashes (430EX) have gone around the £200 mark.

Absolutely no need to spend anymore IMO.

I still use my 40D (backup/secondary to my 2010 7D) which I bought back in 2008!
I don't have a specific recommendation but bear in mind colour accuracy is an enormous subject. It's not just about the camera but the lighting and the monitor set up. I.e no two monitors are identical. You can spend a fortune calibrating your monitor but the person viewing the picture may have a totally different monitor setup so it means nothing

Nevertheless its a good idea to shoot a grey card or colour card at the same time so that the white balance can be set correctly, and use consistent lighting.
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