best cans for reference studio (analytical) monitoring ?

26 Jun 2010
west yorkshire.
Torn between a pair of Sennheiser HD650 and thre AKG k712 Pro atm, could anyone shed some light ? looking to upgrade my very old Dt150s
well im basically just looking for the flattest more purest sound i can get. atm i dont have that chance, ive worked 12 days in a row so far so only have the luxury of reviews and ordering said pair on payday, its my understanding the hd650s are more neutral where as akg ar emore harsh and unforgiving in the detail
Beyer dynamic DT250 and DT150 are very neutral cans designed for studio use. Upgrading to hifi headphones will deviate away from a neutral sound. HD650's look quite good but HD600's are flatter. Do you need isolation from external noise and low leakage? (as both the cans you have picked are open backed)

the dt150s are knackered, pads are taped on and the cables on its last legs, just thought id push the boat out a bit with a new pair but learning how the hds are so hifi, its put me off, im looking for really true sound. i thought id go for open back as it creates a better sound stage unless you can advise me any further ?
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