As the title says I dont wnat to spend too much on case but I need a new case for my new pc, my old is ok but i dont like the small ammount of space, i'm searchign for a case that has a gap of 10 cm at elast between hdd's and mobo when they're placed and about 5 cm between psu and top of mobo, atm im mu current case my hdd's are hanging over my nobo and psu is just a few cm's away from cpu hs , so for hdd's i dotn liek the small ammount of space i have for cabling (cables are mess) and for psu area im unsure if its good having hot hardware near cpu... and near sb chip's only coolign (heatpipe brings heat to ribbs above cpu ,to take adavntage of intells stock cooelr airflow), so im afraid whenm i install my new cooler, if the sb chip will burn out, its alrdy too hot to touch (sb chip cool thing) (ps im talking bout the p5n32 sli from asus), anyway i just want a nice case with a lot of space, good cooling and one that has a nice front with a mic and headphone plug and a nice not fully, but partly windowed side, also prefferably one with place for 80 mm fans as I have 5 atm (prefer 2x 80 mm above 1x 120 mm), oh and I dont care aboiut noise/silence.
Its for a high end pc that will be overclocked heavily...
Its for a high end pc that will be overclocked heavily...