Best Case For WaterCooling

25 Sep 2006
Sorry if this has been covered on here but I couldnt find it in the formum search.

Im building a new system from scratch and im getting the Swiftech H20-220 Apex Ultra+ Watercooling Kit and I was wondering what case would be a good choice for this.

I was looking at the new kandalf cases that come with watercooling where the radiator built into the door of the case, I like this idea but dont want the cooling system that comes with it as the swiftech kit is much better.

Please Help :)
Depends on what you want your case to be, can it be big and very moddable or do you want it looking good out of the box? how much do you want to spend as well.
if you dont want to moda big case is best, and if your willing to make it fit you can go for something smaller, the smaller you go the more you must to to get it all in, unless you take the easy option of mounting the rad or WC externally. personally i dont like that option.

as for manufcturers look at the top end ones for case quility lianli,CM,silverstone,Akasa, and others

i currently have a CM wavemaster with a custom kit all contained inside the case. radiator mounted in the roof.
I did my first WC setup in a sonata and to be honest it was a pain to squeeze everything in and to work on.

I did my second with a much bigger Akasa eclipse 62, it was so much easier to work on because of the extra space. The width also meant I could put the pump to the side of the drive bays rather than under or on the bottom of the case.

So I would reccomend as big a case as you can stand, it makes life a lot easier. The only downside is making the cables reach!
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