Best CMS for implementing school logos and sidebars?

7 Mar 2005
I will shortly be responsible for the website at the school I work at. We know it needs a massive update and we've been looking at other similar kind of schools and their websites to seek inspiration. My boss has found a school's site that he likes the look of. I need to be able to include our school logo at the top of the page as well as have sidebars linking to term dates, school newsletters, events and so on as well as identify what awards (and logos thereof) (Ofsted, Sportsmarks, Unicef Rights Respecting Schools etc) we are allowed to display at the bottom.

The main site we're taking inspiration from, in terms of school logo at the top, sidebars and awarded logos at the bottom is a school called Pield Heath.

I have checked the source and it is a Joomla page. I was thinking of using Wordpress for our new site. Can anyone tell me what, if any, Wordpress plugins there are for Wordpress that would allow me to create sidebars and a logo section at the bottom of our page? Failing that, or if Joomla is better, perhaps someone can give me hints on what Joomla plugins Pield Heath have used?

TIA. :)
7 Mar 2005
Hi dekez. Yeah I have lots more knowledge of Wordpress than I do Joomla so I think it makes sense to stick with what I have more knowledge of.

I did try Joomla, and some other CMS', at University for my final year project and I never got on with Joomla, that was 5 years ago mind!

My HTML/CSS is fairly good but probably a bit rusty. So I could use a widget to store a pice of HTML with some logos arranged in a line? Any particular recommendations on a good widget or theme to look at with lots of customisation available to me? :)
7 Mar 2005
Cheers for the info. Most helpful! :cool:

Genesis is $60 or about £40. I think I might get it if it helps me to do my job and make all the stakeholders happy. I might not get the money back but if £40 saves me getting stressed out and allows me more freedom to meet the requirements I'll be set then I don't mind paying it.

I do have a website, that I don't really use at the moment, and I have a dummy site for our school set up in a /wordpress folder on my hosting.

I'll spend some time this weekend researching the 'Text' plugin and Genesis framework so I get some idea of what I can do with them.
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