Trying to build myself a cheap as chips Linux Mint Download / Kodi box. Will need to move large files around and use 7zip and quickpar but nothing else and definitely no gaming!
At the heart of it will be the CPU and I don't mind either AMD or intel, so what's the best one for my needs for around £50
Rest of build will be:
ITX Motherboard
Cheap small as possible case with PSU
4 or 8GB Memory (can't decide if I need 8)
Hoping to do it for Sub £200!
Trying to build myself a cheap as chips Linux Mint Download / Kodi box. Will need to move large files around and use 7zip and quickpar but nothing else and definitely no gaming!
At the heart of it will be the CPU and I don't mind either AMD or intel, so what's the best one for my needs for around £50
Rest of build will be:
ITX Motherboard
Cheap small as possible case with PSU
4 or 8GB Memory (can't decide if I need 8)
Hoping to do it for Sub £200!