Best demos to test out new rig

10 Mar 2006
I've been out of the pc games scene for a while, but I've bought a new system and thought I'd try out some demos to see what it can do.

System is a dual core 4400 and an x1900xt

I've downloaded Far Cry and COD2 so far, but what else should I download? I'm not bothered about genre, FPS, racing or whatever :)
Not a demo, but Oblivion will give any system a good kicking :)

Other than that, most of the others have been mentioned. I'd add Tombraider legends to the list once they sort out the next gen graphics content in the demo too.
Condemned Demo will give your machine a bit of a work out. Tomb Raider : Legend, it will run fine at the moment, but when they release the next gen content for the demo (on Friday i believe) it will push your machine.
F.E.A.R. runs amazing on my setup with the AMD64 3200+ everything on max and AAx2. I'm getting 40 fps a lot. So I'd say a dual core 4400 and an x1900xt setup should find it a walk in the park. :D
hellforleather said:
well i'm sure it's true, Doom would run on that but i dunno about Doom 3... ;)

You'd have thought ID would have made it backwards compatible.

"If you could run DooM, you'll run DooM III with no problems" :D
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