Best distro for a HTPC? Atom / Ion GPU.

18 Oct 2002
Hi, i've bought an Acer Aspire R3610 with the dual core Atom chip and Ion GPU.

What would be the best Linux distro to put on it as I will be using it as a HTPC?

Are there any which will support hardware HD processing using the Ion GPU?
Depends what media centre software you want to use
Mythtv works well with ions and hardware decoding

Mythbuntu is a pretty good disyep to use
I just use regular ubuntu on my htpc. Mplayer with VDPAU will give you fast HD with low CPU and looks lovely on my flatscreen. I output SPDIF to 5.1 amp with no problems at all. If you want fancy menu's you can use a myth frontend but I prefer to keep it simple and just use a regular desktop.
I use a stripped down install of Ubuntu (install it, remove things you don't need) with Boxee.

Boxee is XBMC-based but it's now a much better interface than XBMC's slightly stale, clunky navigation. That's all IMO, you're all welcome to disagree if you want.

But yes, providing you install the nvidia driver (Ubuntu will help you do this) and you're not using ancient versions of things, you get ION accelerated video.
I use a stripped down install of Ubuntu (install it, remove things you don't need) with Boxee.

Boxee is XBMC-based but it's now a much better interface than XBMC's slightly stale, clunky navigation. That's all IMO, you're all welcome to disagree if you want.

But yes, providing you install the nvidia driver (Ubuntu will help you do this) and you're not using ancient versions of things, you get ION accelerated video.

Good call, just installed ubuntu on my Dad's HTPC and instealled boxee.

Got the MCE remote working by installing LIRC.

It's really quick and far easier to navigate for him than windows 7.
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