Best E-mail Client for Mac OS X

1 Jan 2009

I have just switched from Windows 7 to Mac OS X for the first time, and I'm not keen on the Apple Mail e-mail client that is built in. It's either lacking some features that I would like, or I'm just not used to it yet.

I previously used Windows Live Mail and downloaded their application. I liked this application, but obviously it's not available for Mac OS X.

The main features I'm missing are the ability to add read receipts, delivery reports and also allow synchronisation with my BlackBerry. When I deleted items from my mailbox on the BlackBerry it deleted them from Windows Live Mail, this doesn't work on Apple Mail.

The deleting emails thing is because of some strange config hotmail and/or POP3.

Mail does delete the emails (I've just tested it on mine) but you need to set this "POP and deleting downloaded messages" option to allow external apps to do everything they ask.

So that should sort out the sync thing (again my iPhone syncs the deletions so *shrug*)

From a quick google:
Read recipts:

Mail is the best mail App on OS X IMO.

Cheers. Where is the option to allow external apps to do as they're told? I've had a quick look around but can't find it, but then again I'm still getting used to the basics of Mac OS X.
Mail is fine for a lightweight email solution, but if you want to do anything more serious (juggle multiple email accounts, Exchange synchronisation, etc.) Microsoft Outlook for Mac 2011 absolutely obliterates the competition.

It really is a brilliant piece of software :)

I've downloaded and started using Outlook 2011. I'm not sure if it'll sync with my BlackBerry yet, but it's syncing with Hotmail better than Apple Mail and I prefer the layout.

The only little thing that I want to alter in the layout of the navigation pane. I know on previous versions of Outlook that you could remove the icons at the bottom, such as Tasks and Calendar. Does anybody know if it's possible on Outlook 2011?
I don't know about removing the icons completely, put dragging the line above them downwards allows you to 'minimise' them somewhat; they become much smaller, less obtrusive icons in the bottom toolbar. Is that what you meant? :)

Thanks. That's helped make them less obtrusive but I know on previous versions I used to remove them all so I just had Mail and Calendar showing. It's only something small, but I like to have it set up just as I like! :cool:
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