Best exercise time differs for men and women, says US study

These sort of studies are useful and will help some. Saying that though the best fitness routine is one that you can stick to. Doesn't matter if something is a few percentage more effective if you can't stick to it as it doesn't fit in with your life.
These sort of studies are useful and will help some. Saying that though the best fitness routine is one that you can stick to. Doesn't matter if something is a few percentage more effective if you can't stick to it as it doesn't fit in with your life.
Very true, I've never been able to exercise consistently for various reasons entirely within my control (discipline, laziness, competing priorities).

Any suggestions on what could be a good way to start? Not to derail the thread or anything. At least with that study I've got a good excuse not to try and wake up early for morning exercise now! :D
I'd have thought you'd burn more fat if you exercise on a near empty stomach, most people aren't exercising to lose weight and burn body fat anyway.....

people exercise to stay fit and in shape.

I doubt hey all stuck to any meal plan either
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Potentially there are other benefits than just burning fat as well, which might be time of day dependant and different to that i.e. when it comes to sleep, etc.
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