Best film of all time

Godfather, Shawshank, Pulp Fiction, Star Wars, LOTR, Lock Stock, Snatch, Memento, T2, Die Hard, Gladiator, Good Will Hunting, Platoon, Se7en, Goodfellas, Green Mile, Bladerunner, Braveheart, Indiana Jones, Alien, Jaws, Great Escape, Leon, Rocky, Usual Suspects.

Off the top of my head. I've mentioned some that are parts of trilogies or whatever, didn't bother naming the individual ones. Wanted to keep the list down.
Phoenix211 said:

Quoted for another vote.

Also on my list of best films would be Dr Strangelove. And Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And Vanishing Point (but no-one ever agrees with me about that one).
My idea of 'best film' is one that I can watch time and again (within reason) and still enjoy, whilst feeling like there's nothing that could be done to improve it. For me, Back to the Future would be one, and I'm literally halfway through watching Groundhog Day whilst tidying up my bedroom, which I'd count as another. Also the LOTR trilogy is damn near as perfect as you're going to get given twelve hours in which to tell the (timeless) story.

Gilly already mentioned most of the others I'd recommend.

Oh, and I love Falling Down too. But back to the films... ;)
my list would be pretty damn similars to gillys actually

id add Ong Bak and Requiem for a dream though , they might not be "best" but theyre my favourites :)
So subjective and changeable it's hard to define one film as a favourite - I'd disagree with about half of Gilly's meself (Gladiator?!) but wouldn't absolutely argue that he is wrong on any of them (cept Gladiator :p). Bourne Identity and Minority Report I can sit down and watch any time and never be bored by as well, and would be two others I would suggest. Collateral also really worked for me.

Slightly more left-field suggestions: in terms of enjoyment when I saw it, I thought Memento was a cracking film (obviously re-watchability is a bit down on that one), and LA Confidential is up there on my all time faves. Not saying they're my absolutes, just trying to throw a couple out that others may not think of ...
Gilly said:
Just no.

In 2nd place for me

Pulp Fiction
Shouldn't even be mentioned in this thread - think you are looking for the 'most mediocre film of all time' thread

Star Wars
Again, just no.

LOTR is not so much a film as a day out since it takes nearly a whole day to watch it all

Lock Stock
Approx equal to Four weddings

T2, Die Hard
Good for action and not much else

OK I guess but I was wanting a happy ending

Good Will Hunting
OK film but Dead Poets Society would be a better choice

In my top 20

Green Mile
Too long - and I have bad memories of this cause I got knocked back by a bird while watching this, then had to sit through the remaining 2.5 hours in complete embarrassment

Complete carp - and that's from a Scotsman

Apocalypse Now
I think you might have got me beat here :)
lol, the godfather is widely regarded (by imdb too if you want to check) as the best film of all time, and you like Apocalypse Now, which is a pretty much nothing film. I was expecting to watch it and love it and it left me cold. Like Scarface does.

And T2 and Die Hard are action films. What more do you want from them?
Isn't it funny how some people just seem to reject society and go against the grain? I'm sure they think it's cool.

Shawshank Redemption for me. That or Forrest Gump.

I'm not wasting anymore brain-time on this question because it'll drive me nuts all night.
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