Best fitting earphones/buds

18 Oct 2002
North Wales
I've always had problems getting earphones/buds to fit correctly, and reverted to neck or headband style ones - but they're not really the best solution for out and about.

The stock iPod ones are the only ones I've tried in recent years that actually fit - but don't sound too great. Does anyone know of any others that have a similar size/shape but sound better?

I've tried a few sets of the in-ear style ones, and had a similar problem of the buds not fitting or not holding in place - but if any of those might suit I'd be willing to give them a try?

Budget wise, upto about £50 I guess.
Nothing of size and shape unless you are looking at sony or jvc etc. I actually got a pair of Sennheiser PX 100's which blow the socks of the standard ipod/Iphone buds. Comfy too. Don't even know they are on and I also use them on my PC 5.1 surround. Available for £21.00 if you look around including postage.
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