Best Flight Simulator?

copied from some where else...

"Stock, XP, FSX, and P3D all look like crap. With some mods, they can all look great. XPlane is a hell of a lot cheaper to get looking beautiful (cost of base sim, cost of planes, then freeware orthophoto tools)"

my 2p's worth
XP = X-plane (trial download is available but has no add-ons included), FSX=MS Flight sim 10 (old 32bit and supposedly no longer being developed), p3d = Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D® (hide your wallet),
Flight Sim World new boy on the block

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all depends what sort of flying you want to do , an accurate sim (aerodynamics etc) or a shiny hop on board and away you go. Jet, airbus or biplane, you can also join virtual airlines, re-enact historic flights (Dambusters raid for example)
get a cheap joystick if you haven't got one already, a Speedlink Black Widow Flightstick is functional and cheap

I'm in the XP camp, I'm still on v10, v11 is out now but lots of free scenery/planes/add-ons available. You can use multiple pcs/monitors to do different functions, ie 1 for view from the cockpit, 1 to display the controls 1 for navigation systems
If you want to learn to fly a 744 properly, including all the systems and procedures then you quite simply can't get better than Aerowinx Precision Simulator 10.

I know it's not what you want but in my opinion, this is the best flight simulator.
should be ok (2 or 4GB?), a lot will depend upon what cpu you have

where you're actually flying and what add-ons are loaded can seriously affect fps for example a city airport daytime there's thousands of objects to calculate and render, compared to flying at 30,000 where there isn't, fps may vary from 15-150
if you're flying at night in cloud and its raining you cant see diddly anyway
theres lots of settings to tweak, you only need 20fps for it to be realtime but plane response can be sluggish
first thing you'll be doing apart from the basics, is heading to here to register and start downloading scenery packs add-ons etc
once you've set it up how you like it then consider another gpu if you cant get the performance

and dont get dis-heartened if you dont get the fps you expect first try, maxed out xp settings and add-ons will destroy the best currently available pc.

All this xp talk , Ive downloaded 11 demo just need to check my spitfire will work with it.
That's great thanks lude. I have ordered the controller just got to downloaded the programme now. The GPU is the 4GB Version so hopefully it will do for now, I didn't realise you could download a demo so I'll have a look for that first.
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