Best games to buy second hand?

10 Mar 2006
I've skipped the last few years of PC gaming, so I wanted to go back and play any really good games I've missed.

I've ordered Farcry and Chronicles of Riddick and I've also got COD2, which I really enjoyed.

So what would you recomend I buy?

System is Athlon 4400 @ 2.4, 2 gigs ram and a 1900xt.

Serious Sam 1st Encounter
Serious Sam 2nd Encounter
Serious Sam 2
Grand Theft Auto (any of the games in series)
Medal of Honour (any of the games/expansions in series)
Dawn of War & Expansion

Call of Duty (original game oty)
It's a lot different to COD2 and still has some DX9 implimented (Has dynamic lights which unless you have a beast of a machine with COD2, you don't as the DX9 mode on it is pretty flawed).

Dawn of War for an RTS( a la C&C but warhammer, amazing fun :D)
Thanks guys!

I've now got a few games on their way to me:

Call of Duty & United Offensive Expansion Pack
FarCry (already downloaded the 64bit textures!)
Chronicles Of Riddick - Escape Butcher Bay

Should keep me busy for a while!
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