Best Gaming and Video Editing PC for £800

5 Apr 2006
Hi Guys,

So many systems and so little time before xmas.

I'm going to be using this mainly for gaming and video editing (premiere pro/photoshop/after effects) etc.

I am looking to spend about £800/£900.

I need some advice on what system will maximize on my spend.

Any advice on how to get the best system for my requirements?

Many thanks in advance.

Do you require just the tower, or OS, monitor and peripherals?
Is your video editing work or hobby?
And lastly and most importantly, are you looking to build yourself or prebuilt?
Do you require just the tower, or OS, monitor and peripherals?
Is your video editing work or hobby?
And lastly and most importantly, are you looking to build yourself or prebuilt?

I don't require the OS or monitor.

Just the tower.

Video editing is my hobby.

Pre-built would be easier and better for the time frames. I like the solid builds that OC provide. But I work for an I.T company and we have an engineer can build it should that save me money.

I'm not that technical though so would need a good list of complete items which are all compatible and great to work together. That's why I'm tempted to go for a pre-built system to have 100% assurance.

Many thanks.
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