Best GoPro 3 battery?

Not supposed to be that much more in the Wasabi ones. With the Hero3 you either need to carry a load of batteries, or get the battery backpack, I went with the later with this version.
I'm keen to avoid adding weight. Plus I dont tend to do long videos, just lots of shorter ones (track day sessions, karting sessions, etc). I want a couple of additional batteries to swap in when they get low.

There seems to be a plethora of 3rd party batteries on Amazon and the like, but I'm always dubious of cheap batteries. The only ones I've seen recommended are the Wasabi ones and they seem to all be US order.

Dog Cam Sports have "unbranded" batteries at half the price of official ones. Has anyone used them?
Weight and bulk wise I find it only really brings it up to that of what the Hero2 was.

Given your want to use it in/on cars, that's actually an area that a batterypack is really suited, as you likely will have it setup and left and not necessarily easy and quick to change the batteries like on your person. I would also think on a car that the fractional increase in weight is negligible, unless you are driving a professional racing car seeking marginal gains.

The Hero3 really is pretty pants on battery life, even more so if you are using WiFi to start/stop record.
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