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Best graphics card for £100-150?

26 Feb 2008
As per the title

Reframing the question from a separate post on rejuvenating my pc..

Want to play
Dirt 3
Saints Row 3 (is this likely to be included with a gfx card in the near future?)
in nice detail at 1920x1080 on my pretty VA Panel

using the following accompanying spec:
E8400 @ 3.6ghz
4gb Corsair dhx
Gigabyte DS3R (non sli, non crossfire)

Cheers guys
If you haven't got the new batman game and you haven't bought BF3 yet then the Asus GeForce GTX 560Ti that's supplied with Batman and BF3 for £199 may make sense.

If you were to offset the retail value of buying the games separately ~£55 the card is then a very reasonable ~£145 which is within your card budget - and would be great bang for buck.

If you have the games already you could sell the voucher codes in the MM - i know batman goes for ~£18 and i would imagine BF3 would be ~£25. Again you could offset this against the cost of the card making it ~£157 which i realise is £7 over your budget but you would have a cracking card.
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Looks marvellous, except I don't have £200. £150 is the limit..

No plans to buy Batman, BF3 is on the list though as is Saints Row when it comes out.. Think I'll just have to wait. When will ati / nvidia next update their product line (i.e. when will the next mahusive discounts be ^_^) ?
Shame you can't hold the money on your credir card for a couple of weeks as the game/codes sell pretty quickly via MM - but you would probably still be £8 over your budget with this method (plus the slight risk that the games wont sell - but the odds are good as BF3 is expensive and Batman hasn't been released yet - so both have good 2nd hand value)

Nvidia are apparently planning upgrading the 560Ti in the next couple of months - there's a chance that this will knock the price down of the current standard 560Ti - so it may be worth waiting a month or so.
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Best card in that range is probably a 6870 which is not too far behind a 560Ti in terms of performance but costs £143. There was a deal on a week ago on OCUK for one for £130 with Deus Ex and Dirt 3.

If I was you though I would get the Asus 560Ti TOP bundle for £199, maybe even £190 if you can find a working voucher code ;)...

If you sell Batman that would bring it down to around £175 and when you consider that BF3 would cost you £25 minimum that's only £150 for one of the best 560Tis out there, pre-OC'd and with a good cooler.
Used 5870 sounds good to me : ) Although you're all tempting me with the £199 bundle. Might wait it out a week or two though and see whether ocuk blesses us with a Saints / other BF3 bundle.
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i would suggest a amd 6870 as their below £150 and give brilliant perfromance.
but if you could stretch ur budget then the 560ti 2gb would be best
Rather than making a new thread:

Any views on the MSI GTX560 1GB?

I would be upgrading from an xfx gtx260 black (core 216).

Not looking for a major upgrade - just something that will handle skyrim maxed out at 1680x1050 for the next 6 months or so.
Rather than making a new thread:

Any views on the MSI GTX560 1GB?

I would be upgrading from an xfx gtx260 black (core 216).

Not looking for a major upgrade - just something that will handle skyrim maxed out at 1680x1050 for the next 6 months or so.

Definitely pay the £16 extra and get the Asus 560Ti that's on offer this week. Extremely worth it.
Does the 560ti suffer from the graphical glitches on bf3 still?

Some people are still suffering from BF3 and 560Ti related problems (especially the overclocked versions) but most of these problems can usually be resolved with drivers or voltage tweaks (even browser change).

However, some people are having persistent problems no matter what they try (changing browser, voltgae, drivers, reg setting etc...) so it's a pretty hit and miss affair for an unfortunate few.

I recently bought a 560Ti OC and resolved all my problems by bumping up the core voltage when playing BF3. Nvidia will/should resolve the issue soon as they are well aware of the hassles people are having.

Be sure to install the latest drivers if yu do get the 560Ti as this resolves a lot of the graphocal problems.
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