Best Gsync Freesync Monitor for the £350 mark

1 Aug 2010
hi guys I'm looking for the best gsync or freesync monitor around the £350 range please.

I've been looking at the acer xz271 and the 31" model

Is they any better than these please??
Preference for screen type, VA, TN, or IPS?
Gaming or desktop? If gaming want higher refresh than 60hz?
16:9 or 21:9?
Flat, curved?
Hi thanks for the reply. I've always been told IPS is the way forward but I don't have much knowledge on the types.

This is used only for gaming so a high refresh rate would be more than welcomed. I had a TN panel before and all the colours where shocking and dark. Not sure if that was that particular model or the panel type.
A friend has the Acer Bx340ck for sale which i believe is a 34" 75hz adaptive sync monitor for sale for £400. Could this be a contender?

Adaptive sync is freesync technology?
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Apparently TN is the better panel for games, as it has fast GTG.
Also more info what is your GPU, what PPI are you looking for, what size.

16:9, 16:10, or ultra wide?
I have a 970 SLI setup so hopefully i should be able to push 1440P. A 27"-34" would be nice. I'm not to familiar with different aspect ratios. I think I've had 16:9 in the past
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