Best Hard Drive for MacBook

Apparantly some 7200rpm drives cause a little vibration when at full tilt in the Macbook. I'll be sticking to 5400rpm when changing mine (not a boat load of diff in performance)
I have a 320gb Scorpio in my MBP and it makes no rotational noise at all, even at full speed. I am not sure how it could vibrate as it is mounted on silicon rubber bushes. If it were the drive spindle it would destroy the drive. Oh and it is quieter than the stock HD that it shipped with.
I'm glad someone asked this question before me, I think i'll buy the WD Scorpio 320Gb next week as i need to upgrade my macbook hard drive as it's getting low on space too. 160Gb - 320Gb hope it makes a little difference with the beachballs i keep getting spinning away, if not then i'll have to go for more memory too.
I'm personally gonna wait for WD to release a 500gb model, the Samsung/Hitachi's are gettin on a bit & 160gb will last me a while (then I'll back it all up using an external drive)
Yeah i thought the 160Gb would've been ok for me with my macbook, but i've got that much stuff on it that i transfered over from my imac when i sold that that i'm finding i've hardly much space left. Hence the time to buy a 320Gb drive, as for back up so to speak i'm lucky i've got a time capsule 1Tb so all's well there.
If you're looking for a 500GB drive, go for the Seagate Momentus 7200.4; they've just been released recently and performance compares favourably to the 320GB Scorpio.
My scorpio does not make rotation noise, but I do seem to hear it clicking away a lot more than the last drive I had which was near silent. This is in a MBP and I am unsure what could have been the cause to be honest.

May try a different drive when a faster 500gig becomes available.
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