best headphones for £100?

What's the source going to be? Do they need to isolate at all?

Without knowing any more information, I'd suggest the following to look into:
Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro (80 Ohm) - Closed
Audio Technica ATH-A700 - Closed
Audio Technica ATH-AD700 - Open
Can't you get the A900s/AD900s for under a hundred? or does that depend on whether you get caught on import like I did :(
Goldring dr150 £60 best headphones below the sennheiser hd 600
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stretch a bit to the goldring dr150 m8 £55-£60 ish well worth it cant really get a much better headphone than that for less than £100
if not get the equation audio rp21 £45 Having owned grado I wouldn't recommend them for any use apart from listening to rock.
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