Best in-ear headphones

21 Jun 2004
What are the best in-ear headphones to get to go with an iPod? I`m thinking around £70 max, but could stretch slightly further. I like to have a nice amount of bass for listening to music. Definitely more bass than the sennheiser CX300 that my friend lent me and maybe slightly more than my old sony mega bass (which died a year ago).

Thanks for any suggestions
I have some Sony MDR-EX90s which are quite bassy.

Mine were around £30 from the 'Bay IIRC (Yes, they're genuine. French, but genuine :p). Think they're about £50 in shops.
Check out shure, westone, Ultimate Ear. Big brands of IEM that do models around the £70 mark. I have the £70 Westone UM-1s and they are pretty good, much better than the sennheiser and sony offerings.
Not had any experience with those but i do have some Ultimate Ears 2.

Compared to my old CX300's and EX75's i can honestly say that they're much better!

In fact they give my fullsize Sennheiser HD595's a decent run for their money.

Great crisp trebble, surprisingly good imaging and very deep bass.

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