Best Intel Duo for o/c, performance per pound!

18 Apr 2004
Milton Keynes, UK
Or something along that title lol

Need a good intel core duo thats excellent for overclocking and can get up to similar speeds to Intel Core 2 DUO E6700 "LGA775 Conroe" 2.67GHz (1066FSB), if not better then close to?

I will be using air cooling rather than water.

Plus as well as this, i will need a good motherboard and memory to go with this. IIRC, im sure i read a lot of people were using g.skill memory?

Please help, thanks
Yella Fella said:
Or something along that title lol

Need a good intel core duo thats excellent for overclocking and can get up to similar speeds to Intel Core 2 DUO E6700 "LGA775 Conroe" 2.67GHz (1066FSB), if not better then close to?

I will be using air cooling rather than water.

Plus as well as this, i will need a good motherboard and memory to go with this. IIRC, im sure i read a lot of people were using g.skill memory?

Please help, thanks


i'd go for the e6600 if u want the cache
A 4300 is best as you dont need to overclock anything else to get to
3-3.2 ghz it will do 3ghz on stock vcore.well mine does anyway:P
CompMan said:
A 4300 is best as you dont need to overclock anything else to get to
3-3.2 ghz it will do 3ghz on stock vcore.

No its not,

The 4300's need more vcore and produce more heat over the 6 series of C2D.

Highest I got a 4300 was 3.5ghz.

My 6400 runs 3.8ghz happlily.

The 4300 is the inferior chip.
easyrider said:
No its not,

The 4300's need more vcore and produce more heat over the 6 series of C2D.

Highest I got a 4300 was 3.5ghz.

My 6400 runs 3.8ghz happlily.

The 4300 is the inferior chip.

Its about performance per pound, not outright :rolleyes:
Performance per pound the 6300 is the only way to go. Pair it with a good motherboard like the DS3 and you have a stunning chip. 100% overclock is possible with decent RAM as well.
easyrider said:
No its not,

The 4300's need more vcore and produce more heat over the 6 series of C2D.

Highest I got a 4300 was 3.5ghz.

My 6400 runs 3.8ghz happlily.

The 4300 is the inferior chip.
Mine is sitting right now at 3.2 on stock voltage :)
You have dated info the new batches of 6300's are not the same as earlier ones they are true allendales and will be hard to get to 3.5 ghz.
Mine is sitting right now at 3.2 on stock voltage :)
You have dated info the new batches of 6300's are not the same as earlier ones they are true allendales and will be hard to get to 3.5 ghz you should'nt comment on it unless you get a 6300 now one of the new batch and test that i think you'll find it's true alledale now.As for more heat i don't think so 3.2 on stock voltage here 30c on a tuniq tower.
jongeeone said:
The DS3 + E6300 + Geil ram will give you 3.2 with ease :)
As will the 4300. Best Intel Duo for o/c, performance per pound!
thats the topic with the 4300 you dont need fast ram to acheive a good overclock.With the 6300 you do thus the 4300 is the cheapest per pound obviously.You can have pc5300 ram and get a great overclock with the 4300 you can have generic 6400 ram and get a great clock too.Anyway i will be getting a quad core as soon as it's a realistic price.
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E6300, DS3 or p5n-e (depeding on what chipset you would prefer) and either the 2gb geil or 2gb ocz that are both on offer this week, should be good for at least 3ghz :)
CompMan said:
Mine is sitting right now at 3.2 on stock voltage :)
You have dated info the new batches of 6300's are not the same as earlier ones they are true allendales and will be hard to get to 3.5 ghz you should'nt comment on it unless you get a 6300 now one of the new batch and test that i think you'll find it's true alledale now.As for more heat i don't think so 3.2 on stock voltage here 30c on a tuniq tower.

Post a prime shot of 3.2ghz on stock vcore please.With your E4300

Also 30c full load is BS.

I just don't believe you.

Idle temps mean nothing.Its load temps that count.

Please post your results in the Official e4300 overclockinmg thread.Here

Tooks needs 1.525v for a 3.2ghz prime stabilty shot.

And you are saying you need stock vcore?

Sorry again I don't belive you.
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masslac said:
Clock for clock tho you can use a cheap as chips mobo and ram with the 4300. The 6300 you would need better mobo and ram. Obviously the 6300 will probably top out higher IF you get a decent mobo and ram.
easyrider said:
Post a prime shot of 3.2ghz on stock vcore please.With your E4300

Also 30c full load is BS.

I just don't believe you.

Idle temps mean nothing.Its load temps that count.

Please post your results in the Official e4300 overclockinmg thread.Here

Tooks needs 1.525v for a 3.2ghz prime stabilty shot.

And you are saying you need stock vcore?

Sorry again I don't belive you.
I never said 30c full load i am new to overclocking intels
i can use the 4300 without any crashes at 3.2 ghz stock vcore
have done for 3 days without problems i take it it needs to pass orthos and prime to be valid then? ok i learn again apologies for my blooper.
+0.1 ram +0.1 chipset however you are correct it does fail orthos
and prime at stock voltage im currently trying 3ghz on 1.33 volts
and running Prime online thing current temp is 50c after 10 mins running
i will try see what gets me passed on orthos / prime at 3.2 ghz over the next week.I take it ill need +0.2 on the chipset and 0.1 on ram and something around 1.45-1.5 volts on the vcore then?
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