Best iPhone Case

29 Mar 2007
Hi Guys,

Dads looking for a case for his new iPhone 3g, he wants something that covers the whole phone including the screen. Not too fussed about a belt clip but would like the case to offer some protection - Ive mentioned the hard cases but that was soon shot out so thats the only avenue that he doesnt want to go down.

Cheers Guys
Well just watched the video and it certainly does look good, what was it like to put on? Looks rather fiddley, Also can you tell theres a protector on the screen?

All protectors on the screen ive used before (On PDA's etc) you could tell theres one on
Thought it might be! :D LOL

That is very true about noticing the scratches more, when your using it face on, if you get me, can you notice any difference? Reason being i dont really want to hinder the screen quality as its such a superb screen.
Yer ive found them on the bay for around 15 quid as well. Certainly looks worth a try because of how good it looks.
Any ideas as to whats in the solution? Presumably its just soapy water? Did it not leave any marks? Ive just watched an install video and they seem to spray a fair amount of it!
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