Best java IDE

Good way to start a religious war. Personally prefer eclipse, but lots of people tell me I'm wrong and should be using IntelliJ. Others say you are a wimp if you are using an IDE at all and emacs / vi / notepad are the one true path.

Its a pointless argument. Pick what YOU prefer.
I have used IntelliJ and Eclipse. I prefer IntelliJ as I personally think it performs better. I also use Sublime Text as an IDE on my personal laptop.

Its a pointless argument. Pick what YOU prefer.

This is very true, try a few and see which one suits your needs best.
I'm an IntelliJ user. I used to love Eclipse and I still think it's great. But I tried IntelliJ and preferred it.
I have used all of them. Eclipse -> Netbeans -> IntelliJ

This are just tools to help you write code. Use one that is mostly used by your team. I find that much more important as you will learn from your colleagues and be more in sync with them.

For personal use I prefer IntelliJ.
I recommend eclipse, but ive found eclipse is never the software used when looking at vacancies. Some firms / recruiters / hr screening arent apt enough to appreciate eclipse is just the tool
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