Best laptop for £400 or less

20 Feb 2007
As title, really. I'm not big on laptops and my mate is after one, £400 being his budget. He's using it mainly for Internet browsing, no gaming, but wants something reliable with decent build quality so it'll last a while.

Any suggestions?
Im also lookin for something with this spec for the G/F
had been looking at the Samsung R510 for £370 inc vat
any other suggestions ?
I have a Samsung R40 which has served me well over the last year or so now. Before that, another sammy.... A V25 I think...

I recommended the R60 to my brother as it was slightly better than my R40, he paid £400.

Build quality is excellent, NEVER had problems with any of the samsungs we have owned over the last 4 or 5 years now.

I wouldn't hesitate to buy another in the future. Hope I may have helped a little :)
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