Best location for my 3rd case fan?

30 Nov 2002
I am setting a new rig and it will have 3 80mm fans. I have one extracting below the PSU. Another bringing air in at the bottom front. The 3rd I'm going to put on the side of the case ( so will be cutting a hole ) - where's the best place for it?

Graphics Cards should be when they arrive a pair of SLI'd 6600's cooled by Zalman's.

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Wouldn't it be better if u can cut a hole above on the top of the case directly above where cpu is. And have it extract air there. Lots of high end cases sort of extract air about there on the case. They hardly ever have side fans.

But if ** intent on side, then i would have thought direct level to gfx/pci.
Oh I can go out of the top :) - just assumed side was better due to flow problems past the PSU cables.
Yeah the psu cables are kinda clumped there. Do u really need more cooling btw i mean whats ** temps now? And might be best to wait till u get ** new cards and see how much heat is produced and see if they really warrent a new fan in.
Temps are currently unknown, this is a new project using a mix of old and new bits (inspired by the recent beige project, this ones going to end up red though not black). Might not need the cooling this is true but as it will be overclocked figured I'd get everything sorted as I assembled it.

Cables will be tidier when finished, currently the case is semi dismantled being painted and not paid any attention to tidiness.
Ive got a 120mm fan attached to the perspex sidepanel blowing cool air onto the MOBO and a 120mm in the roof sucking air out of the case above the Mem.
Ialso have a 120mm sucking air into the case from the front (bottom and accross 2xHDD) and 2x80 sucking out the back.
All are AKASA Amber fans and are Temp regulated with a max speed of 75%.
The front runs at 75% permanently.
7800GTX at 516/1.37 runs at 37C and the 3700SD @2.6 runs at 33C.
Mmm I'm thinking I'll add it just above the NB fan so all the cold air comes in in the bottom front of the case then the fans pull it out of the back.
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