Best mouse DPI setting for shooters

4 Mar 2008
What would you say is the best DPI setting for the likes of Black Ops II and BF4.

I've lost the settings that my mouse had (Logitech G700) and I cant find a setting that feels right. Current at 1250 DPI.
It is tricky as it is personal preference really. For something like COD/BF4 the general rule would be higher the better for twitch based combat but everyone has there limits and comfort zones! I generally play super low DPI like 600-800 or something but lots of other people will be 3000+ just find something you are comfortable with :)
Depends person to person and on sensitivity settings - personally I play with quite low (450dpi) but other people swear by 1-2K. Generally about 800dpi and the right sensitivity settings for 1:1 mapping will be the most accurate/precise.
The key thing is to set in game sensitivity very low in BF4 (~5-10%), and then find the DPI setting from there which works for you (Unlikely to be over 1000 TBH).
Good vid, thanks!

I've tried 800 and 450 and 450 seems the most natural to me at the moment. When I looked in the Logitech Gaming Software, it was set to 1400DPI!
I run my mouse around 2500dpi normally, although my hand barely moves 2" for the whole screen L to R.
I also have up/down DPI commands set, as some games actually have widely different sensitivities between in-game crosshair and menu cursor, which is a SERIOUS pain in the....
My Razer mouse set itself to 6200!!! I couldn't even click on the desktop icon it was so twitchy.. I usually use about 2400 for FPS games and about 1200 for most other games/things
I have mine set for 450, 800 and 1500. Usually game and use Windows at 800.

Really don't see the use in higher, it just makes them inaccurate and borderline unusable.
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