Best multiplayer Gamecube games?

Mario Party series, Mario Kart Double Dash are the obvious two which will come up all the time. More obscure are Monkey Ball 1 + 2 and donkey konga ! :D

All good games, playing them tonight around a friends house. Xbox 360, GC, SNES, N64, rah :)
Mario Party 5 rules :D

Me & my bro played that on Christmas day for about 4hrs non stop :D

Also worthy of a purchase is Warioware Inc
Hundreds of mini games well worth the measly price you can pick it up for (£14.99 new from Toys R Us :D)

soundwave said:
Also worthy of a purchase is Warioware Inc
Hundreds of mini games well worth the measly price you can pick it up for (£14.99 new from Toys R Us :D)


heard it isn't that good, graphics really bad and just a bad gameboy advance port ??
Snow-Munki said:
heard it isn't that good, graphics really bad and just a bad gameboy advance port ??

Well generally it is exactly that but it has literally hundreds of games & most are great fun...especially after a few beers which is when the graphics are of little consequence & button mashing or beating your mates up becasue they scored higher than you is the order of the day :D

Keep's me & my mates entertained anyway.

Warioware isn't about graphics, it's about insanely fast paced mindless entertainment on a multiplayer scale. Yes it can be played on a gameboy but it's still a very good game. Play drinking Warioware with some friends for a few hours and then come back here and try to tell us you didn't like it.
As most others have said, Super Smash Bros, Monkey Ball 1 and 2, Mario Party, Mario Kart. I've got most of those games and if it weren't for Pro Evo 5, I'd be playing them constantly. (oh and the fact finals are round the corner)
oh, sounds good might look into it !

oh the mini games seems VERY short, like 10 seconds per game, are they all like that ?

remember playing it on my sister's gameboy, going up some sort of lift.
Snow-Munki said:
oh, sounds good might look into it !

oh the mini games seems VERY short, like 10 seconds per game, are they all like that ?

remember playing it on my sister's gameboy, going up some sort of lift.

Yeah most of them are like that & it is still the same lift format but the games become really hard & VERY addictive after a while...its all about that one more go & I have to beat your score than anything else.

It's deffinitley & beer & mates game.

Mario Party, Super Monkey Ball 1, Pikmin2 is a 'nice' multiplayer, but the best...


(time for a blatent and appropriate picture of my dog playing Donkey Konga...)
Awesome. :D

Everyone's mentioned the good multiplayer games, but as for co-op, there's not so much:

Rogue Squadron 3 - All of Rogue Squadron 2 is available in this game as two-player co-op, which is ace.
Mario Kart: DD - Easily the worst MK of the series unfortunately, but not all that bad for a quick laugh with a mate in co-op I suppose.
Tales of Symphonia - Excellent RPG, and the battle sections are real-time and co-op. Does require you and your friends to be RPG fans though, because most of the time they'll be watching you play through the story.
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Requires a GBA and connecting wire for everybody that wants to play, so it's unlikely you'll have the equipment required. Which is a shame, because it's a fantastic game in multiplayer, and a good laugh, albeit not the most pick-up-and-play.

That's all I can really think of co-op wise I'm afriad but if any of those interest you, do give them a try. :)
Weebull said:
Awesome. :D

Mario Kart: DD - Easily the worst MK of the series unfortunately, but not all that bad for a quick laugh with a mate in co-op I suppose.

man u are SO right.

i bought me a GCN with MK DD plat package and finally got round to using it last night. what a crock of %%%%

the handling of the carts is so unnatural its not even funny. i mean me and my mate are staunch MK fans from the snes era, spent many an, many an hour playing in single, MP, battle, and time trial mode mastering the maps.

MK: DD is toss. the handling its like the carts just dont handle im so not impressed im thinking of ebaying off my console for that.
Snow-Munki said:
heard it isn't that good, graphics really bad and just a bad gameboy advance port ??

Wario ware on the GC was fantastic!!! The graphics arenot what its aboutits all about multiplayer.. Infact ignore single player it is only about multiplayer and it is sooo cool at it :)

PS. Monkey Ball 1 & 2
Timsplitters 2 & 3
Mario Party 5 6 and 7
Mario Kart
Smash Bros
Donkey Konga! 2 & 3

... all good plus plenty of others out there.. The GC has some great titles for split screen action.
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