Best multiple HDD format software

7 Nov 2008
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hey guys,

Which is the best boot cd that will allow me to just select something like 'erase all drives'?
I have a vast amount of server i need to wipe and dont want to do each drive one by one on each server.

Whats the best? I'v tried Dariks boot and nuke but a couple of servers have caused a kernel panic so need to find something else.

Any suggestions?

DBAN doesn't like a lot of RAID controllers. It is also wise to remove any arrays and wipe the disks as singles.
Most linux distros will include the "shred" command (I use Gparted due to its size)

Not the most user-friendly but will wipe any hard drive the distro can see.
Do you need to re-use the drives afterwards? I've got a huge pile of old HDs to destroy at work and I've been quoted £1 (or less) per drive for an IT recycling company to stick them through their shredder (with me watching).
I've used DBAN before with servers (Dell) but I had to change controller so that the raid wasnt enabled (ie, disk mode/jbod only) and it was fine. I ended up setting up 4-5 of the servers like that and pulling out drives and putting them into the jbod servers.
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