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Best Nvidia Drivers?

24 Jun 2004
What is currently the best driver versions? there have been a lot of releases over the past month, and assume that some will work better than others? I have a 6800 if that helps
Depends on what games you play and what else you do with your PC, I'm personally happy with the 82.12's, I play FEAR, Quake 4 and a bit of COD2.
I too looking for an updated driver, since I play the latest version of Flight Sim and I'm getting Half Life 2 sson as well as perhaps Fear. I have a AGP 6800 GT. Currently on 77.77 but want an upgrade to see if I can get any more performance out of my card.
Sounds like the 83.10's are a good idea then? I might try that out after a re-install to see how much of a performance gain I get
I just run the lastest drivers out...If i then get any problems in any my games,,then i start going back one release at a time to try fix it.
If I did that then I would be running driver cleaner every other day lol. Its just nice to know, as some might find special "tweaked" drivers around that work better than the official ones. New cards are coming out as fast as the drivers are to support them.
I've long been a fan of Omega drivers, but the author has stopped development of the Forceware ones 8-(
Was forced to stop - iirc Nvidia sent the suits round to pay a visit.
You *might* want to run older drivers in certain situations. For example, 9700pro owners might want to stop on drivers that didnt support X800/X1800 cards - after all mostly the drivers just bring features and compatability for the newer cards.
Might miss out on some game fixes / tweaks, but thats just an example of when you might want to run ye olde drivers.
in my experience new drivers never really matterd in termps of performence etc. so I just keep using the new ones, but thats what I have found in my experience with nvidia.
I've never seen any noticeable difference in fps with driver upgrades in my few years on gaming, tho my m8 said a past nvidia card of his saw a benefit (the cynic in me reckons they made crap drivers on purpose to get 'boosts' with new drivers :p).

Horses for courses mindue, I guess with all the different rigs out there experiences will vary :)
IMO, they sometimes release new drivers with the benefit of previous ones, but with "optimisations" for new games. Its only a certain amount of time before new drivers wont benefit a certain type of card, unless you have the newest cards when they come out, as it seems a certain amount of time before the drivers are near-perfect for your card.
Does the current (81.x) driver from nvidia.com give dual core support?

Or should I use one from guru3d.com?
TheLudeButler said:
don't they just recommend the latest drivers?

why would you want to be running out of date drivers?

because brand new drivers arent always faster - infact i think you're more likely to have stability problems etc if you're trying to keep up with every release.
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