Best online sites for bike gear?

19 Mar 2013
So, couldn't find a thread on this.

But after a disastrous time with a certain site I'm looking for a new place to buy some gear (and hopefully I'll have got my money back by then.)

Any suggestions for EU/UK sites with reasonable prices and a good selection?

Thanks everyone!!

These guys can be good:

However, before buying any such stuff online, you would be highly advised to find a stockist and try it on in person. Closely inspect everything and be sure it's to your liking has triple stitching, decent armour, etc.

Yup everything has been tried on except the boots (not found any SIDI MAG-1 boots anywhere) but most of the stuff I'm ordering is protective etc (back protector etc) which will fit as it's sized for my suit. Had a seat cowl also coming but now I have nothing!

Hard to find it all in one place, as I want the MAG-1 Boots, and the new alpinestars nucleon protectors. Can't find a lot of sites that have it all.

Thanks everyone, going to go through and email them to find out about shipping to Gibraltar.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys!

Got my heart set on a pair of SIDI Mag-1 Air boots and a nucleon back insert, and finding a site that does both is proving hard!

FC-MOTO were the cheapest and had it all, and would take off the VAT (I have to pay customs import duty on arrival) but had too many problems in getting it here (seem fairly common reading on other forums about them).

I'll email a few of the UK sites to see if they'll ship to Gibraltar and take off the VAT prior to shipment.
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!

Sadly sportsbikeshop won't ship to Gib. Not sure why since it's not exactly tricky to do, and I would have course pay postage... but oh well.

Emailed a load of different ones to see if they'll ship here. Hopefully my quest to look like the red power range can be completed! :D
Still no luck for me! And the Andorra company isn't replying to my emails.

Every site either doesn't ship to Gibraltar. Or doesn't have what I want

Sidi Mag-1 Air boots
Nucleon back insert.

Gotta keep looking then!
Would be happy to help a fellow biker and order the goods and forward them on to Gib if the postage isn't too expensive for you.

Wow what a nice thing to offer! I will have to decline though as it would end up too pricey. If I ship to the UK I don't get VAT back, and on arrival I have to pay customs charges based on what they value it as regardless, as we're outside EU customs agreements.

Going to keep looking, worst comes to worst I'll have to find a shop in Spain that will do it and refund me the IVA.

My quest to look like the red power ranger will succeed! :D and are probably the cheapest, though spanish and german sites so returns would be a nightmare....

FC-moto is the site I had the problems with so won't be ordering from them! haha

Emailed motocard to find out if they will ship to Gibraltar as they have all the gear I'm after :D
I've used a few times.

Not always the cheapest but for me they offer reasonable delivery charges (quick also) and zero-rate VAT at checkout to Channel Islands.

Sadly don't have what I want in stock. Also weirdly enough quite a few places will zero rate to all sorts of countries but don't ship to Gibraltar. Annoying :D

Whoah :D Awesome thank! Going to look through them all. Luckily motocard have replied and said they'll zero rate vat and ship to Gibraltar. I need to find out what size I am in Sidi boots though. I have alpinestars in a 44 I borrowed from a friend, would it be safe to order 44 in the sidi's?
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