Best Open Source Firewall

Just curiosity really and it wont cost me anything to run a VM 24/7 as my server is already switched on.

At the moment I'm using IPSec to secure RDP but I have HTTP processes wide open
I've tried both of them now, Smoothwall was the easiest to install due to the Hyper-V querks on pfsense, but pfsense seems to have far more options (except no Squid :() and pfsense doesn't randomly lose it's DHCP lease (like Smoothwall did).

I can see myself spending many hours tweaking this
Im sure you can install squid on a pfsense box but I do remember reading it wasn't recommended or something. Why you using DHCP, surely your fw should be statically assigned it's ips

Yea it's probably not the best idea for security.. but I like the caching. DHCP was because it was on the DMZ and my public IP changes all the time
How did you set it up on hyperv? I found that the internal clock would drift a lot - giving various errors and possibly why you're DHCP leases are expiring.

Smoothwall I'm sure has squid built in - but you can do a custom smoothy with the likes of dans guardian.


The clock seems fine so far, apart from the logs being ~2 minutes in the past.

Smoothwall does have squid built in, but pfsense doesn't unfortunately
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