I've got a C2D Mac Mini which I specced up to the fastest CPU at the time, 500Gb 7200RPM drive with 4Gb RAM.
I appreciate that it's low spec compared to current systems and I never took it past Snow Leopard.
I have no need for it any more so I'm going to sell it but I wonder what would be the best OS to put on it. I'm assuming it'll be a bit of a dog with Mavericks so should I go with Lion or Mountain Lion?
Bottom line - what's the best OS for my C2D Mac Mini?
I appreciate that it's low spec compared to current systems and I never took it past Snow Leopard.
I have no need for it any more so I'm going to sell it but I wonder what would be the best OS to put on it. I'm assuming it'll be a bit of a dog with Mavericks so should I go with Lion or Mountain Lion?
Bottom line - what's the best OS for my C2D Mac Mini?