Best Overclocking Settings

3 Jun 2005
Bristol/Portsmouth, England
Hey guys, managed to get a bios for my motherboard that had decent overclocking abilities, so now i wanna overclock, sadly i dont know what to change exactly, i had a mess around on it but couldnt get anything that would run sstable without flagging some kind of bios deep alert.

The main 3 components im using is a Biostar Tforce 6100-m9 with an opteron 165 and 2gb gskill zx ram.

Lukcily enough its got a automated overclock and ive got it on the highest one which give me this.....
Automated Overclock
but i think the timings are a bit loose but is that just me.

I ve got the 4 main screens needed for overclocking but wasnt sure on what details to put in the fields so was wondering if u guys can help me out, maybe suggest some timings that should work and maybe if someone is kind enough is explain the obscure settings.

Overclock settings


Chipset Config

PC Health

Any help would be great, Thanks in advance.
Heya guys, right i managed to imrpvoe on the automated overclock quite a bit (well on the ram side)


Thing is i cant seem to push the cpu past 2250mhz (250mhzx9). as you can see from the pick above my ram is 204.6mhz though in the bios i set it to 166mhz.

Do you guys have any idea what i can do to my current settings to get a better overclock overall?

CPU Vcore is currently set at 1.4v and my Ram voltage is at 2.6(according to the bios)

Cheers for the help already guys, i gave that guide a brief look but got me a bit confused.
Cheers for the help guys, ill try those as soon as these files have finished transferring.

Yes i am indeed using bios ocing as i finally found a good bios that has tonnes of options for me.

This is what im going to try and do:
Raise cpu volts by one notch
drop the HTT to x3
raise the cpu frequency to 270/280mhz
drop the ram to 133mhz (thought that would make it crap but will give it a go)

If that all works i will push the fsb and htt until it craps out, trying to find the best balance of them to see which one gives the best performance boost overall.

Any further tips would be great.
right ive just done some more overclocking and i have now got it to this...


I was pushing the HTT to 290mhz, it booted the bios fine but wasnt booting windows. Anyone know why?

I did get an atapi bsod first time when i used these settings, but i restarted and it seemed fine.

Anyone got anymore tips and tricks that can help me out?

Right i messed with it a bit and i cant seem to push past this current clock (shown in previous post)

I tried your recommendation, but was the 200mhz on the ram or something else, cause ive only got 2 settings which are in mhz, one being the htt and the other being the ram.

Anyone got any tips for what i can do to push this to 2.6 or 2.7. i bought this chip expecting i would get 2.7 quite easily.

Cheers, Nixeh
Pci-e frequency is set to 100mhz.

Yeah i have tried other volts but it doesnt seem to even help it boot into windows.

I have had it upto 290 whilst booting bios, but it wont boot windows.

Anyone know good settings that should get me to 2.7ghz?
The biostars are supposed to be the best matx socket 939 mobo available.

I bumped the cpu upto 1.5 and the ram upto 2.7 but it didnt seem to let me push it further. I also tried the 3-3-3-8 timings on my ram, just on the current overclock and it didnt like that either, kept giving me memory beeps.
Anyone got anymore suggestions. Seems to be very slow on game load speeds even though its top of the range.

Also now and again i get a bsod with a IRQL_Less_or_Equal or something along those lines. Got any ideas what it could be?

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