Best PC games of the past 5 years



22 Nov 2005
Finally got back into PC gaming after a rather long hiatus.

Got a RX480 a couple of days ago and I started playing the Witcher 3 last night. However, I just know I've missed some crackers in the last few years so would really appreciate some recommendations on the best FPS and 3rd person type games of the last 5 years.

More recently I was think RoTTR, Doom, Witcher 3, but what other gems have I missed?
Some great titles listed already thanks but I should have said that I've done most of the blockbusters on the PS3 and PS4.

Skyrim, Sleeping Dogs, GTAV, Fallout 4, Metro 2033 & Last Light, Crysis, and Battlefield 4 I've played to death already. Great games but I don't want to play them again for now.

Action RPG's and 1st & 3rd person shooters are my favourites. Don't like games with too much emphasis on stealth.
Cheers guys. Come crackers in that list and plenty for me to work with.

Started playing Wolfenstein The New Order last night and it seems pretty good so far. Runs maxed out on Ultra settings @ 1080P. :)

Started on the Witcher 3 on Saturday night. That game is going to be a time sink, I can feel it.
I'm really surprised that this isn't showing up on more lists. It's a truly epic game with unbelievably excellent combat mechanics.

I can't really throw much more into the ring - The Witcher 3, Alien Isolation, DOOM, (new) Wolfenstein and the new Tomb Raider games are well worth your attention. If you're after a good mindless blast, I'd also recommend Space Marine, which is really good fun and cheap as chips.

Just picked up Shadow of Mordor for <4GBP.

Think I'm going to have to order a bigger SSD.
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