Best PC Speakers for under £300

25 Jun 2007

I'm wanting some decent speakers for my powermac. I'm highly tempted to buy the Bose Companion 5 system although not audiophile quality they did sound pretty convincing in both stereo and "surround" sound.

I've already got a nice hi fi system so not wanting to go down the seperates route, I just want something small stylish that sound as good as possible....harmon kardon sound sticks II :confused:

thanks for all the replies.

as for the bose comments, i'm a mod on avforums and wouldn't **** bose off they do make some decent speakers although you can put together a much better system usually for the price. I already have a mid/hi end 2 channel system in its own room and so these speakers where just for general listening.

in the end i opted for some sennheiser hd650's and now just deciding on what amp to get :confused:. i'm just break the senns in but already they sound good through my normal headphone socket.
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