Best place to buy programming books in PDF format?

1 Nov 2007
I'm looking for a (legal) place to buy programming books (mainly ASP.Net Core, Docker, Git, Linux) as I have three monitors and it is nice having a PDF open on one screen while I am programming on another screen.

I've never bought a Kindle eBook when it comes to programming books so I'm a bit worried about how source code will be formatted and whether it will be easy to read.

So can anyone recommend a good site to buy PDF eBooks? I tried to install the Windows 10 Kindle app but I can't login for some reason. I tried using the same login information to login to the website and it worked so I have no idea what is going on.

Edit: Got the Windows 10 Kindle app working. So does anyone have any experience with reading Kindle programming eBooks and how easy they are to read when programming?
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