Best place to see tvs properly set up in London?

17 Jan 2017
I hope this doesn't go against the rules as overclockers don't sell them but the local shops are terrible..

But yeah, as title, interested in large tvs, but all set up nicely and me able to properly compare
John Lewis or Official retailers shops (if they are still around). Richer sound spossibly too i imagine they must have a flagship store in london, otherwise why else would everything be so expensive down there.
Googling it im having difficulty. Had thought of richer sounds, John Lewis is abysmal. Didnt have any passive glasses, every Samsung just looked awful, the oleds looked alright but only the one showreel.. This is a £2000 telly I want to see how the 3D is damn it, and what about the motion. Ffs
Call Richer Sounds and tell them you want to demo x y and z TV. Make it clear you have intentions of buying and they should be fairly accommodating.
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