Best place to sell camera?

31 Oct 2006
Hi guys. I would really like to avoid going down the ebay route and have seen several websites offering quotes and then collection. Can these be trusted? Where would you sell your gear? Is it best to go to a brick and mortars shop (obviously not possible at this time)?

You would have to check reviews of any websites
Problem with those may be once they get it they give you the old it's not in as good condition as we thought spiel
Then try to give you lower amount
There's always Facebook buy, sell, swap groups
Personally a no post option is all I do now
They see it working they pay cash
And that's it
Had too many idiots break stuff I have posted then want a refund
I've used MPB and Wex recently, MPB will buy without having to part exchange. They have both increased their offers on occasion when they have examined my items.
Forums have been good in the past both for buying and selling but are much quieter of late.
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