Best resource to learn x86 and x86_64 assembly language?

1 Nov 2007
So I've become quite interested in hacking and cyber security and finding bugs in existing code. Obviously most Windows applications are closed source so the only way to find out how the code works is to disassemble them or run them through a debugger. This obviously throws you a bunch of assembly code which you then need to understand in order to find exploits.

I was wondering if anyone had any resources for learning x86 and x86_64 assembly code? I've downloaded the Intel Developer Manuals but they are heavy going for a beginner and was wondering there were any simpler resources out there that I could start with?

I can also use a Linux machine in a virtual machine if that will make disassembling and debugging easier but most Linux apps are open source so it kind of removes the need really.

Edit: Intel Developer Manual = 4684 pages. This might take awhile :).
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