Best route into biking at 21?

3 Jun 2013
Hey guys,

I always had my heart set on going through direct access once I hit 21 after Uni but having narrowly missed that with the new laws I'm not sure what my best options are?

My brain is telling me to take my CBT and stick with a used 125 for a year or so, see if I enjoy it and then go for A2 until I'm 24. Would I find 125 too slow after driving a semi decent car for a while? I'm not sure I would mind it.

The other option would be to spend quite a bit more money and go for the A2 straight away? Not sure if I can afford this route yet however but it would mean being able to obtain the unrestricted license at 23, not 24.

Basically I'm having a hard time deciding which of the two options would save me money in the long/ more sensible!
Appreciate the replies! Think I'm going to save up a little longer and go straight for the A2. Can seem to pick up a decent bike that fits the criteria for the same price as I was going to spend on a 125.

Most places seem to offer 4, 5 or 6 day courses. Assume I should go for the 6 day seeing as I have no experience?
Haven't you got to be re tested with mod 1 and 2 in two years after getting the A2?

Yup :( no more automatic progression.

Have booked theory for next Wednesday, found a SV650 for sale nearby for a very good price and contacted what seems to be the best local training center.

Going to pop out and buy helmet etc tomorrow!
Just thought I'd update this thread by letting you know I passed my Mod 2 today first go!!!!!!! Such a great feeling!

Did a 4 day DAS course and loved every bit of it. Now to find a bike!
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