Best/safest way to jailbreak UK iPhone 3G 2.2?

5 Jan 2009
Hey all,

I'm not bothered about unlocking the carrier - I pay £35 for my contract so I'm gonna use it! :D

Anyways, has anyone use Ziphone? I used it once on my mates 2G iPhone and it worked flawlessly. That was back in the days of 1.1.4 however.

Now, on the iPhone 3G with 2.2 I guess things are a bit different. So, how did you guys jailbreak your phone? I've read about quickPWN, but I think ZiPhone looks a bit safer...

Can jailbreaking **** up the iPhone permanently?


Fully star out swearing please. Read the FAQ.
I used quickpwn 2.2 to jailbreak my iPhone 3G 2.2

It was very straight forward to use and work first time with out a problem.

I'm no expert, but read in another thread that if something does go wrong, you can just do a restore through iTunes

Cool I'll give it go using that advice. From my reading here, quickpwn seems to be the favourite.

When JBing, does it unlock by default, or can I choose to JB without unlocking?

All done in a matter of minutes :D

Just upgrading cydia now.

OK, noob question (be warned :D): What's the difference between 'Installer' and 'Cydia'?
Cydia seems to work better, I found Installer crashed a lot and slowed my iphone down so I removed it.

THanks for the help. I've used Cydia to download Customize, but every time I download a theme, it says it cant find the files in offline mode,and that I should go online to update the files. I am online, via WiFi!

Any ideas?

Have you downloaded Winterboard?

Sorry, forgot to reply, I've been playing with it for the last few hours!

(^ that sounds wrong, but I don't care lol)

Yup, winterboard is awesome. Love how just sliding them up or down changes the mod overwrite priority, simple and effective :D
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