Best sensor cleaning kit?

10 Mar 2006
Mine is absolutely filthy, like you would not believe. I've not done it before and I'm helping out at a mate's wedding the week after next - I can't have all this crap over it.

D600, unsurprisingly! Any recommendations?

Example shot - and it's really all over the sensor.

Dust by Alex Bayes, on Flickr
Dishwasher, low temperature settings, short cycle, except for those stubborn, ground in pollen stains. ;-)

This is the worst part of DSLRs and the reason why I keep an eye on top end bridge cameras. My sensor cleaning method is to wait until I daren't even use f10 any more for fear of hours in spot removal mode, then get cheesed off enough not to care and get stuck in with a rocket blower (useless IME, often dislodging hidden dirt that wasn't an issue until you blew at it) and clean pec pad with whatever stupidly expensive cleaning fluid is recommended for that sensor... even though it smells a bit of quackery. Spraying it with wiindolene would probably be more effective!

I then pat myself on the back for tackling this stressful job, take a few tests shots... and do the darned thing again!

And again.

They should make disposable DSLRs. Use once and throw away. ;-)

Oh, and as my 40D got longer in the tooth I took to poking the sensor with a cheapo 7dayshop sensorpen thing. Apart from worrying about scratching with a bit of grit, it worked better than the more careful methods. I look forward to my 70D being old enough (and cheap enough to replace) that I can stop being so prissy with it too.
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I get these kits from Amazon.

Visible Dust EZ Sensor Cleaning Kit for 1.0x Sensors - 1ml VDust & 4 Green Swabs

I also use a rocket blower and a lens brush.
You can get the D600 upgraded to the D610 for free if it has oil issues. I would contact Nikon personally.

Otherwise eclipse fluid, pec-pads and sensor swab.
Thanks, I will be sorting out a replacement but I've got two weddings to go two in the next month and can't be doing without my camera for those. Hoping to build up a bit of a portfolio out of them by helping out where I can.

I've ordered that kit robj20 and those pec pads for cleaning my lenses and filters. Cheers.
Brillo pad and super glue!

Seriously though, i bought a cleaning kit but not used it yet as too scared!! Sensor is clean at the mo though
I've got the cleaning pads and the pec pads, so I'm going to try and give my sensor a clean now.

Can you use the pec pads to clean the focussing element? It's got a piece of crap on it that needs to come off, but I saw another thread on here where the guy bridged it as it's covered in tiny ridges.

OK, I've given the sensor a clean. Pretty easy and without loading them onto my PC, it looks as though at least the significant dirty has gone. No dark spots in the top left. Great. I think I used too much solution but there we go, I could see it evaporate fine.

My filters and lenses have a lot of oil on, from my fingers. The pec pads don't appear to be lifting it. Is there a similar solution I can use to the sensor cleaning swabs to clear it?

It feels quite satisfying to be taking care of my equipment, had it 6 months and this is the first time I've really sat down and given it a clean. It's obviously been too long.
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I've got the cleaning pads and the pec pads, so I'm going to try and give my sensor a clean now.

Can you use the pec pads to clean the focussing element? It's got a piece of crap on it that needs to come off, but I saw another thread on here where the guy bridged it as it's covered in tiny ridges.

OK, I've given the sensor a clean. Pretty easy and without loading them onto my PC, it looks as though at least the significant dirty has gone. No dark spots in the top left. Great. I think I used too much solution but there we go, I could see it evaporate fine.

My filters and lenses have a lot of oil on, from my fingers. The pec pads don't appear to be lifting it. Is there a similar solution I can use to the sensor cleaning swabs to clear it?

It feels quite satisfying to be taking care of my equipment, had it 6 months and this is the first time I've really sat down and given it a clean. It's obviously been too long.
Are you using eclipse fluid on the pads? These is a special optical cleaning consulting, will help lift grease and stains but doesn't stain when dried.

Some filters like CPLs are terrible for getting fingerprint stains.
I actually wouldn't stress too much about the. Garbage on the front of the lens actually does fairly little to the images. Clean what you can without bring obsessive.
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